International New Energy Summit is to be held in 23th May, 2019 in Ulaanbaatar, is an initiative by Mongolian Renewables Industries Association (MRIA) and in support from Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MoET), Energy Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (ERC), The Environmental Organization of Ulaanbaatar City, Erdenes Mongol LLC (State-owned), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).
Due to the rapid global industrial development, the world climate temperature has increased by 0.75 Celsius over last the hundred years, and if the scenario ensues, it is evitable that the average temperature is expected to reach up to 4 Celsius by 2030. Scientific research study shows that the Northern iceberg would be consequently melted, around 760 million people would be evacuated and new type of ailment is expected to be emerged.
In 2015, United Nations Conference of Parties-21 was held in Paris involving 50 thousand delegates from 195 countries and the participants unanimously agreed to promote the renewable energy against climate change.
Therefore, 173 countries had renewable energy targets in place and 146 countries had support policies. Cities, communities and companies are leading the rapidly expanding “100% renewable” movement, playing a vital role in advancing the global energy transition. Production of renewable energy accounted for 26.5% of total energy production by 2018 and YOY growth has increased by 7.2%.
Mongolia has tremendous source in term of the renewable energy and the potential production capacity from solar and wind energy is about 2000 times larger than Mongolian annual energy consumption, 2.4 times greater than Chinese annual energy consumption. This indicates that Mongolia has a huge capacity for renewable energy development.
In recent years, in aligned with global renewable energy development trend, 20 per cent of total installed capacity shall have been comprised from renewables in Mongolia. However, the current renewable energy production is at a relatively low level and accounts for nearly 10 per cent of total energy production.
Even though the growth of renewables have brought some direct implication as increase in consumer tariff and large-scale stochastic renewable generation, the social and economic positive impact override those drawbacks. For example, within last two years, renewables was beneficial to Mongolia where USD 400 million investments have been made in renewable energy projects and as a result, 2200 temporary and 200 permanent workplaces were created and the emission of carbon dioxide is reduced by seven hundred thousand tones
It is vitally important for Mongolia as opportunity for adoption of renewables to every consumer shall be promoted not only by developing of renewable within integrated grid system but also expanding as off-grid, distribution grid and micro- grid.
By organizing this summit, we hope to facilitate the learning from international experience on developing renewable energy, the introduction of advanced technology in the wind and solar sector and discussion of the bottleneck of harnessing the development of renewables in Mongolia.
Key issues to be addressed
- Global energy trends and opportunities in Mongolia;
- Policy frameworks to develop renewable energy;
- Paris agreement process and implementation;
- Technology cost in renewable energy;
- Low carbon energy solution;
- Asian Super Grid;
- Rural area electrification;
- Renewable energy application on heating;
- Green city;
- Renewable energy application on mining;
- Grid-connected storage system;
- Waste to Energy;
- Smart energy solution;
- Renewable energy investment in Mongolia;
Purpose and Significance
Countries around the world are moving away from traditional energy technologies to harmless for the environment, low-carbon energy technologies.
Therefore, the main goal of the Forum is to support the implementation of Mongolia's commitments under the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by introducing international experience and advanced technologies in reducing the environmental impact of the energy sector and introducing them to Mongolia. The presence of international energy companies and experts in the forum will be an important contribution to the further expansion of business and other multilateral cooperation in the development of a new energy sector based on advanced technology in Mongolia.
The International New Energy Forum was attended by about 100 internationally renowned experts, as well as more than 600 foreign and domestic guests and representatives from Mongolia's government, private sector, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
